
For 40+

Contains lecithin, fiber, zinc, magnesium, calcium

Phospholipids represent a group of substances containing glycerol, fatty acids, and phosphoric acid. They have a crucial role in the body (organism) and are an essential component of both animal and plant organisms. They are part of cell and intracellular membranes, as well as lipoproteins and significant amounts of phospholipids are found in nervous tissue, particularly in the brain.

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Areko, spol. s.r.o.
Dobronická 1257
148 00 Praha – Kunratice

IČ 44796331
DIČ CZ44796331

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Areko, spol. s.r.o.
Dobronická 1257
148 00 Praha – Kunratice

IČ 44796331
DIČ CZ44796331

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